Sunday Worship
Sanctuary 10:30am
15 S. Ft Thomas Ave
Ft Thomas, Kentucky 41075

Checking in & a prayer

Good morning to you. We are all still in the middle of this time of uncertainty, anxiety, and concern. We continue to navigate what it means to be the church in this new season and we continue to work out what it means to connect with one another. A reminder that we have several opportunities for you to connect during this time. On Tuesdays, we have a Bible study and meditation time on the Psalms at 12pm. On Sundays, we have worship at 1030am and a Bible study at 9am. On Wednesdays, our church musicians will be sharing their gifts of music and each day our pastor is sharing reflections, poems, and meditations from the Psalms. You can find how to connect to each of these right here.

And a blessing for you shared by Alton Pollard, president of Louisville Seminary, that was sent to one of our members yesterday.

We find it very difficult in this present moment to make an act of prayer with the substance of our days. Our minds are troubled because the anxieties of our hearts are deep and searching. We are frightened by the uncertainty all around us. We are stifled by our seeming incapacity in the midst of brokenness, disease, and death. The daily hazard we now face is unfamiliar to us and our human freedoms compromised. 

The stress of the day, the tug of insecurity, the ache of loss, the shelter in place, the need to quarantine, the unknowingness of it all – have revealed our better angels and rekindled our utter inhumanity when we have been too dimly aware of your Presence. Humankind cries out for more, humanity yearns for more. We, each of us, seek in our solitariness one another. In this time of unexpected need, we have not sought you enough. We have not found one another enough. We have not found ourselves. 

In this moment, this very present moment, we bring before you our minds, our bodies, our hearts, our very lives. We remember suffering humanity, each and every one of them. They are our beloved, and we carry them in our heart. We honor those who bring their skills of presence to we who are beleaguered and wounded. It is in our utter interconnectedness that we are encouraged to give.

How to manage the imperfections of our lives, our thoughts, and our intents? We acknowledge, O God, we don’t know how. We don’t know how. In our anguish, we cry aloud to you and know that you will not leave us alone in these disruptive times, in this uncommon hour. In all our searching, you are our confidence, and the desire of our hearts. Amen.


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