We will be gathering in a “distributed” way on Maundy Thursday (Apr 9) and Good Friday (Apr 10) via Zoom (for those who want to call-in) and Facebook Live. To connect to these services follow the instructions below:
Maundy Thursday – April 9 at 7pm
For just audio (calling in), dial 1 929 205 6099, enter 447 331 527 for the meeting ID, and then hit # to skip the participant ID.
For Zoom Video click here
Or you can participate via Facebook Live at the church Facebook page.
Please have some bread and something like juice (or any kind of drink) that we will share together.
Good Friday – Video will be posted to youtube by noon on Friday, April 10. Call-in will be at 7pm.
For just audio (calling in), dial 1 929 205 6099, enter 477 760 730 for the meeting ID, and then hit # to skip the participant ID.
For Zoom Video click here
Or you can participate via Facebook Live at the church Facebook page.
We pray that these services will help to deepen your experience of this Holy Week.