Sunday Worship
Sanctuary 10:30am
15 S. Ft Thomas Ave
Ft Thomas, Kentucky 41075

We are currently in a holding pattern for in-person worship and larger group gatherings at Christ church. We are in the “Red” phase of our Covid-19 stages which restricts us from being in person together for worship and gatherings of more than 10 people.

When we resume with in person worship click this link for information about our in-person worship.

In this current time, the link below will take you to info about how to connect online for worship:

If there is a need that arises for you or someone you know, here’s a link to the Northern Kentucky United Way’s page of services and organizations.

Primary Sources of Updates, Information, and Resources for Christ Church and Quick Links to Specific Ways to Connect (more details for each are below)
Website –
Facebook –

Email List for Christ Church – Click here to Signup
United Way Northern Kentucky Service Guide – Resources, Helps, Etc
Basics of Online Shopping at Kroger / Meijer

Connecting to Worship
Connecting to 9a Sunday Bible Study
Connecting to 12p Tuesday Bible Study

We will continue to share worship through distributed means via our YouTube channel, our Facebook page, and being able to call in to listen to the worship service (this latter method is only available at 1030am on Sundays). All services will be posted on the above channels and here by 1030am each Sunday morning. For specific instructions of how to access via any of those methods, click below to download information on how to connect.

Sunday 9a Bible Study
We will be continuing our 9a Bible Study each Sunday morning. We will be meeting by Zoom conference call. We are currently reading through Henri Nouwen’s book, The Return of the Prodigal Son. Even if you haven’t participated before, feel free to jump in with the group now. All are welcome. This will also be streamed to Facebook Live via the Christ Church Facebook page.

Tuesday Bible Study
Each week, we will gather via Zoom and Facebook Live and call-in for a Bible study on the Psalms. The study will go from 12-1pm.

Stations of the Cross
Our interactive experience for Holy Week – The Stations of the Cross – is now available for anyone to participate. Click here to go to the Stations.

Serving at Brighton Center
On Wednesdays from 12-230, we will be helping to deliver food to seniors in need. This is open to anyone who is comfortable with going out at this time and I believe that Brighton Center is encouraging younger folks to participate with this because of the warnings about Covid-19. Please contact Pastor Ed if you would be interested in serving.

As this is an ever changing situation, there will likely be more that we’ll be sharing in ways to connect with one another.

May you be blessed by these words written as a poem and a prayer by Rev. Arianne Braithwaite Lehn

Into your spacious heart 
and loving hands, dear God,  
I place my fears, 
my “what if’s,” 
my spinning world and mind…
Comfort me with the truth.
No fear is too big  
for the Great One within me. 
I am never alone.  
Calming God, bring courage.
Tender Spirit, breathe peace. 
Gentle Jesus, be close. 