Sunday Worship
Sanctuary 10:30am
15 S. Ft Thomas Ave
Ft Thomas, Kentucky 41075

Our Logo

Our logo is based on the quatrefoil, one of the oldest symbols in the Christian faith. It is found throughout the sanctuary at Christ Church. Not only is it repeated in the woodwork behind our altar but it is also found in our pendant lighting and our inspiring stained glass window of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Just as this symbol is found throughout the physical structure of our church, the symbols it represent make up our spiritual structure.

The quatrefoil usually represents the Four Gospels, the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Just like the quatrefoil, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John overlap each other partially, but not entirely and are of equal importance to our understanding of Jesus.

While it is usually associated with the Four Gospels, the quatrefoil has also been used to represent both the cross and the Christian faith. The quatrefoil cross has no sharp external edges, no corners or divisions. The four conjoined circles are symbolic of symmetry, harmony and wholeness, all blessings of the Christian life. As a symbol of the Christian faith, the quatrefoil shows God at the top, Christ and the Holy Spirit in the middle, and the Church at the bottom. While we are at the bottom, we are also an integral part of its design: God’s perfect plan.

The jewel tone colors in the logo come from our stunning stained glass window of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus wears a robe of blue, red, and purple while a yellow beam of light, the Holy Spirit, shines upon his face. The colors also represent a church that is respectful of many viewpoints, yet at its center is the cross, where we all find our unity of identity and purpose. It reflects our vision statement: “We embrace all as we journey the way of Jesus,” a wonderful statement about honoring the diversity of God’s creation.

This logo represents a church that believes we must honor tradition while also remembering God is still speaking, which is why it was designed as a contemporary version of a traditional symbol.

Like any symbol, this logo has many layers of meaning. We invite you to reflect on what this logo says to you.

A visual walk through our logo