We gather on Sunday mornings in our sanctuary at 10:30am for worship. It is a service that brings together elements of traditional worship while also integrating aspects of emerging forms. All are welcome!
The Music Ministry is open to all interested in sharing their talents to create music for worship, for learning, or for fun. If you would be interested in sharing your talent with Christ Church, please contact Toni Sheffer, our organist and choir director.
The Chancel Choir meets every Thursday evening, 6:30-7:45 pm, September through May. We sing for the worship services most every Sunday. Requirements for being a member of the choir: love to sing, capable of matching pitch, willing to learn. We have a choir full of fun-loving people with all levels of musicianship from beginner to music professional.
During the summer months of worship we enjoy hearing from vocal and instrumental soloists, duets, trios, quartets, and varieties of small ensembles.