Sunday Worship
Sanctuary 10:30am
15 S. Ft Thomas Ave
Ft Thomas, Kentucky 41075

Worship Planning Meeting

We have been doing something different with the Worship (and Spiritual Life) Committee.  We don’t have regularly scheduled meetings, but we meet before the beginning of each “season” of the church.  We are entering the season of Pentecost in June which basically lasts until after Thanksgiving. We need to think about some worship experiences that will be meaningful and spiritual and attention-getting.  What is it that excites you, inspires you, feeds you spiritually and makes you glad you came to worship at Christ Church?  Got any ideas?  What do you think will make others (or you) want to attend?  We would love to hear any ideas.  This season of Pentecost is focussed on the “church,” so there are limitless possibilities.

Join us (this is not limited to a formal “committee” but former members are especially welcome.) 

The meeting for Pentecost is Thursday, May 23 at 5:30 PM at the church.  Please call the church (441-2565) to let us know you are coming.  We will be offering pizza and/or salad.  We will break in time for choir practice.  Any questions, talk to or call Jim Korpik (635-0280).  Please consider this as one more chance for you to advance the church and serve our Lord.


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