Sunday Worship
Sanctuary 10:30am
15 S. Ft Thomas Ave
Ft Thomas, Kentucky 41075

Sermons from November 2019

Luke 23 – Through the Eyes of Simon

A reflection on the story of Simon of Cyrene for Reign of Christ Sunday. So, Simon and his family had to travel over land most likely from Cyrene in what is on the coast of modern day Libya.  Over 1100 miles by land to travel.  That is the equivalent of going from Cincinnati to Miami, Bangor Maine, Denver, or Bismarck ND.  By foot or on…

Matthew 6:22-34 – Adjust Your Aperture

Our second week looking at Matthew 6:22-34, this time digging into how we can grow to deal with worry and anxiety far less using the insights that Jesus gives. One slightly sarcastic word of warning, Pastor Ed sings at the end of the sermon. It is heartfelt…but…just be aware we’re grateful that he is a…